Principal's Message

Compliments from Holy Angels’ Girls School, Payagala, Sri Lanka! We are delighted to have the opportunity to present our school to you through our website.

It’s a pleasure to invite you to explore and learn about our school. This website will only give you a glimpse of the opportunities we offer girls. You will know who we are and discover what we find important. You are welcome to find out more about the people who live and engage in learning and teaching here.

We as a team work hard to create a happy, pleasant and learning environment in the school and we are committed to providing a balanced education that nurtures and supports each girl’s individual needs and abilities. We encourage our girls to aim high, to take risks and to see that learning is a reward in itself, not just a means to pass examinations. We build confidence and character, qualities girls need to find her energy, her true self within becoming a life giving source to all.

We gratefully thank everyone who accompanies us on our journey sharing our burdens in educating our students and encouraging us in our struggles and challenges.

Thank you for being a part of Holy Angels’ Girls School.

May God bless you!

Sr. Mary Aloysia Perera

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School Profile


The Sisters of the Holy Angels is an indigenous religious institute (Catholic) founded in 1903 in Sri Lanka by a Jesuit Bishop, Rt. Rev. Joseph Van Reeth S.J. the first bishop of Galle...

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School History

The Holy Angels’ Girls School of Hope – Payagala, blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis the Archbishop of Colombo and declared open on the 16th January 2007 in the presence of...

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Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Activities


Our life is formed in a cultural structure. There are so many norms, rituals, traditions and customs which are meaningful for us to follow to go in line with our culture. When it is a school it too has different traditions. Since we are in a multi-cultural society where languages, religions and communities...

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Health is Wealth. Maintaining a healthy body is very much essential and it is an indispensable need to every human. Both Physical and Mental equilibrium has been some what plunging in today’s young ones. Being the livewire of the society our students are formed with a balanced body through exercises. They...

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Apart from learning in the classrooms Holy Angles’ Girls have a lot of varied activities which are very helpful to experience the facts they study in the classroom. Book worm learning itself doesn’t go in line with the present technology. Students need so much time for communication. They too are indeed in...

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