Holy Angels’ Girls School is a Catholic School under the management of Archdiocesan Director of Education and General Manager of Catholic Private School W.P. It is also a Government registered non aided Private School. Holy Angels’ Girls School bears the name of the religious order of Sisters of the Holy Angels of Sri Lanka as they are administrating the school.


The Holy Angels’ Girls School of Hope – Payagala, blessed by Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis the Archbishop of Colombo and declared open on the 16th January 2007 in the presence of a large gathering of people including the First Lady Madam Shiranthi Rajapaksha and the minister of Education, Susil Prema Jayantha.

The school started with 125 children on the role and seven teachers on the staff. Most of the children were from St. Joseph’s Girls School destroyed by the Tsunami. Since the children did not have a proper place to continue their studies the parents requested to have a school run by the Church. As a response to that request the parish priest of Payagala and the Dean of Kalutara at that time Rev. Fr. Ivan Pietersz took the initiative with the approval and help of the Archbishop of Colombo, Daimler Chrysler Institute Singapore, and Dimo Company Sri Lanka provided the present Holy Angels’ Girls School. The Sisters of the Holy Angels were invited to be the administrators of the school, Rev Sr. Mary Paul being its first principal. It was a courageous and bold decision taken by our Rev. Mother Raymond Wijayasuriya the Superior General of the congregation with her councilors to accept the school.

The students started their studies without having any chair but only the desks. The teachers did not have either a chair or a table or a place to keep their things. Gradually the furniture was provided by the parish priest Rev. Fr. Ivan Pietersz the Founder of the school. The text books were from the Archdiocesan catholic education center and some from other schools. The Sisters were encouraged and supported by so many especially by Rev. Mother Raymond Wijayasuriya who appeared all of a sudden to sees to their needs and inquire how they were getting on.

The school is growing steadily and our first principal Rev. Sr. Paul took much effort to build the school. The year 2007 we had the enrolment of our first batch of Prefects and their performance were remarkable and they very well organized the first Teachers’ Day by themselves successfully. In addition to that we too started organizing sports Meets, Sinhala literary day, English Association, School band, School choir, Catholic union, Science club, YCS, etc. When the school was registered in the ministry of education it was named as Holy Angels’ Girls school. Thereby our students were privileged to receive free admission for government examinations, uniform materials and text books. In 2013 our 1st O/L batch sat for the examination and in 2014 we were granted permission to begin Advance level in both Art and Commerce streams. At present the school consists of 385 students and twenty three teachers on the staff.

We trust in the Providence of God and His blessings on our dear school.

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