Society means persons. When society consists of dignified well balanced personalities it becomes very rich in quality. It amplifies the rhythm of livelihood. It is schools which promote leaders. Character formation is a long process as it requires the freedom to growth. Our students are allowed to grow in freedom with guidance. There are so many disturbances that deviate them from the journey. Yet we believe it is freedom of choice only lead a person to her or his full capacity.

We desire and wish strong, well rounded personalities who lead the life with conviction and integral in what they think, say and do. Leadership training will motivate them to achieve this. Holy Angels’ School provides opportunities with attractive programmes for the students to strive for a good leader in them.


The school Prefects’ Board is one of the strengths to the school. They are selected by an interview board. Every year during the third term the prefects’ investiture is held. It is appreciative and admirable how they work hard and render a good service to the School Community.

The investiture of the first Senior Prefects’ Board was held in 2014 in the honourable presence of Rev. Fr. Ranjith Madurawala, the former Archdiocesan Director of Education and General Manager of Catholic private schools W.P.

It is they who take the responsibility in guiding and setting example to the other students whenever there’s a special function in the school. They work as a team under the vigilance and guidance of Rev. Sr. M. Ruth the Vice Principal and two other teachers are given responsibility to assist her each year. The leadership qualities of the prefects are renewed, strengthened and equipped by organizing camps, one day or 2- 3 days residential seminars.

The Board of Prefects has being organizing projects every year in order to raise funds for their union as well as for school community projects. It is they who take the complete responsibility in organizing the Teachers’ day annually. They have organized projects not only school oriented but society oriented too. They collected stationery and distributed them to the students in Rajagiriya School who were affected by floods in 2016, gifted soap, biscuits and serviettes to the elders in Payagala Marcsri Home for Elders for Christmas, handed over some boxes of soap to the Home for Elders with the contribution of the other students in the school.

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